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Biografía DOMINUS PRAELII actualizada 2016

Dominus Praelii was formed in 2000 by Silvio Rocha and Rafael Guilhen, ex-members of bands like Predator, Psicodeath and Murder.

After some rehearsals, Renê Warrior (ex-Peaceful Tomb) joined the band and the composing process begun. Some time later Evandro Romero and Ricardo Pigatto made the group complete.

The name of the band comes from latin, and means Lord of the Battle. It was chosen because of the lyrical themes about the ancient wars that took place in our world, as well as elements of its mythology and folklore.

In 2001 the band recorded their first demo tape, entitled The First Battle, started to make concerts to show their work throughout Brazil and sent the demo to various labels that were interested in releasing the record. In the same year Megahard Records released the debut CD called Holding the Flag of War.

The music of Dominus Praelii has influences of 80's classics like Running Wild, Manowar, Grave Digger, Destruction and Coroner. That explains the weight and aggressiveness that are clearly present in the songs, exalting the true metal. Holding the Flag of War was released in Brazil and has been distributed in Europe, Japan and South America by Megahard Records.

In 2002 the band made an extensive promotion throught he metal scene with interviews made by the biggest magazines, zines, webzines and radios. In the same year they made the Prima Prellun Tour, which included an unforgettable concert with Saxon. The tour was extended 'till February of 2003, passing through 25 cities of 16 brazilian states.

In March of 2003 they began to compose the songs of the next album, Bastards and Killers, process which was finished in September. In November Dominus Praelii went to São Paulo to record the album. It was two months in the studio of Megahard Records to finish it. It was recorded by Tchello Martins and masterized by Paulo Anhaia. The whole process was concluded in March of 2004 and also had the guest appearance of Frank Godzik (ex-Kreator, ex-Sodom, Mystic), meanwhile the band played a lot of concerts.

In 2005 the band had problems with the label Megahard Records because of the long delay to release the new album, Bastards and Killers, because of their financial problems.

In 2006 Bastards and Killers is released. The band leave in an extensive journey all over American Latin continent. Carrying out 70 shows in 8 countries, that tour was considered the largest tour in South America ever. That fact came it help many other Latin and Brazilian bands, opening the road and making a official underground circuit in all continent. To tour began in July of 2006, and had two parts. To first part began day 22-06-2006 in Juiz de Fora (Brazil) and finished in the city of Cuiabá (Brazil) in the day 18-09-2006, traveling through more of 30000Km in 5 countries. With that the band was highlighted in all Latin scene, giving interviews in big magazines as Metalica Fanzine (Argentina), Roadie Crew (Brazil), Metal Obsession (Germany), Valhalla (Brazil), Rock Brigade (Brazil), Alert Subterranea (Bolivia) and appeared in TV shows such as Pure Rock (Ecuador), and also giving tour direct information to the specialized media. Dominus Praelii was named that year as a band that represents with honor the name Heavy Metal, leading the name of the style to places that never had access before.

In 2007 the band continues with work at full blast in the second part of the journey. The journey reinitiates in the month of May and went to cities not visited in Brazil yet, and 3 countries more (Chile, Argentina and Paraguay). The band was very well accepts in all of countries and meet many old friends, that before were only knew by email and letters. Starting an a much more solid friendship with those countries. The tour follows until day 07-07-2007 where finishes in Asunción - Paraguay. The band had his farewell of the stage with a big celebration in name of the Heavy Metal. which will always be remembered by the Metalic Brigade of Paraguay. Reaffirming again the union in name of the Heavy Metal.

In 2008 the band concentrates in composing a new album and change line-up.




In 2009 with pride that the Brazilian heavy metal band Dominus Praelii announces them new vocal. The Colombian Jorge Bermudez was chosen among 20 vocals of 5 different countries and accepted the challenge to cross the South America and to take care of to the call of “Battle´s Lord” . Previously Bermudez integrated in his country the extinct Mekanix band. Now he entered into an alliance the Silvio Rocha (guitar), Rene Warrior (bass), Evandro Romero (guitar) and Helmut Quacken (drum). The Dominus Prelii is complete again!

This new formation finds in process of composition of new full lenght. Its still provisory heading is `Keep The Resistence'. This will be the third album of the Dominus Praelii, the suscessor of “Bastards & Killers” work very well received by Brazilian heavy scene, South American and European metal. “Keep The Resistence” will possibly will raise in the discography of the band as plus a conceptual work, it is clearly turning regarding great battles, personages and historical facts.

Long ago the “Battle´s Lord” already enunciated hymns directed to the peoples vikings and mongóis. The subject now will turn regarding the Spanish invasion on South American lands. The Jivaros peoples will be presented (inhabitants of the current pertaining territory to the Equator) as well as the Mapuches (Chilean ancestral peoples). Jivaros and Mapuches had resisted the Spanish invasion during the period of settling. The album will give to approach the historical, magical and obscure part of these peoples. The songs will tell to chocking facts such which the used technique of shrinking of skulls for the Jivaros; beyond the fury of the Mapuches guided under thothen of the Jaguar, icon that symbolized immortality.

an unusual subject but still thus forged in the flames of the heavy metal cult! With the renewed formation, new vocal and a drummer, the Dominus Praelii intends to bring “Keep The Resistence” in the blood of all headbangers.. The launching will have one tour foward that this tour will be so great and honoured as “Be a Banger or Be a Bastard” tour 2006-2007, promising to open new ways inside of underground Heavy world-wide Metal and to keep with respect and honors all the places already known and marked under the sign of the steel.

In 2010 the band released the album "Keep the Resistance", for the first time the band manages to launch simultaneously in three South American countries.
Argentina (P Records), Brazil (Open the Road Prods), Colombia (Violent Entertaiment Music) as well as schedules and performs the first part of "Keep the Resistance Tour". The first part of tournê goes through 6 countries (Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador and Colombia) in 23 cities in the South American continent.

In 2011, Silvio Rocha fundator, guitar player and booker of Dominus Praelii turn a father. The band stop for this time !

In 2012 the band is scheduling the final part of his tournê "Keep the Resistance Tour" and promises to go into the studio to record the album's successor "magnifies board of steel" - Keep the Resistance album.

In 2013, 2014 and 2015 the band still working in a new full lenght without name.

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